Ozone Foundation

About Us


Education is really important in the modern world. With education and higher knowledge, individuals can attain greater know-how in various areas and apply it for personal and social gains. In countries like India, there is a good section of children who don’t receive formal education. Such kids face a dark future as only good education can assure them a successful life. With the help of good quality education, ignorance can be converted to knowledge. As per the estimate of the government of India, in our country out of 200 million children in the age group of 6 to 14, around 59 million do not even attend school. Of the rest, who are currently in school, 4 out of every 10 children beginning to attend school will drop out before completing their primary school education i.e. about 40% of students don’t continue their studies beyond 5th standard, out of which 66% are girls. In addition, various studies of children’s learning achievement indicate that the situation is actually grim.

Timeline Roadmap



Hope Bring hope for a brighter and more secure future.


Freedom to believe in themselves to find a place in society.


Empower every child reach their true potential


We envision a society where no child has to compromise with education, where every child has the access to quality education and health. Education will not only break the cycle of poverty but also develop their personality, build confidence and help them in all walks of life.

Know Us Better
At The Ozone Foundation we believe to deliver quality and inclusive education to the underserved communities. The team consists of hardworking and dedicated individuals from various backgrounds striving towards a common goal of providing every child with equal opportunities and ensuring their holistic growth.