Ozone Foundation

Get Involved

Get Involved

Every child has the right to better healthcare, education, and brighter future. We are working to make this a reality. With our diverse and innovative teaching methods, extensive healthcare, higher education, and career guidance, we wish to soon achieve the world we envisioned for these children.

Become a Volunteer

Become a volunteer with us. Contribute your precious hours to give these children a strong foundation to build their future on.

Become a Partner

Partner with us in our quest to provide better health, hygiene, and higher education facilities to children from marginal communities. Find out more about partnering with us here.

Make a donate​

It is not how much you donate but the outcome you contribute to that matters to us. Donate today to give every child a chance to reach their dreams. And remember, no amount is a small amount.

Celebrate your Special Day

Looking to make your special day worthwhile? Celebrate your day with us and cherish this memory of a lifetime as you go home with a heart filled with love and compassion.

Spread a Word

Spreading a good word is worth more than anything. When you talk about our initiative, it makes more and more people keen on contributing to this noble cause.

Know Us Better
At The Ozone Foundation we believe to deliver quality and inclusive education to the underserved communities. The team consists of hardworking and dedicated individuals from various backgrounds striving towards a common goal of providing every child with equal opportunities and ensuring their holistic growth.